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New World

Science and technology are shaping the New World that is being slowly revealed and explored. This section is the best place to read about new scientific discoveries and technological breakthroughs.

artificial blood

Scientists Create Artificial Blood for Patients of any Blood Type

Japanese scientists managed to create artificial blood, that can potentially be transfused into patients of any blood type. This could make easier and faster...

This is the Fastest-Spinning Object in the Universe

PSR J1748-2446ad is a highly magnetized rotating neutron star that emits beams of electromagnetic radiation out of its poles, or in other words a...

Zeppelins are Preparing for a Comeback as Solar-Powered Airships

Rigid airships were popular at the beginning of the 1900s to the end of the 1930s. They became widely known as Zeppelins by the...

10 Crazy Facts About The First Moon Landing

The first men who walked on the Moon were Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, who arrived with the Apollo 11 aircraft. Almost everybody...

Moons in Our Solar System that Could Support Extraterrestrial Life

The search for extraterrestrial life forms has to begin from our vicinity. The first logical assumption is our neighbor Mars, where scientists believe that...

NASA Plans to Knock an Asteroid Out of Orbit in 2022

Would we be helpless if a giant asteroid heads toward Earth? The answer is probably yes. However, humanity will not give up that easily....

Water Vapor Found on an Exoplanet in the Habitable Zone

For the first time in history, water vapor has been found on a planet outside of our solar system. The exoplanet called K2-18b orbits...

The Nuclear Diamond Battery Will Last for Thousands of Years

Imagine electrical vehicles, smartphones, or home appliances that do not need to be charged, ever! No cords, no power plugs, no electricity costs, plus,...

Porsche and Boeing Will Make an Electric Flying Car

German carmaker Porsche is joining forces with aerospace giant Boeing to make an electric flying car designed for highly populated cities with big traffic...

What the World would look like if all the ice melted?

There are around 30 million cubic kilometers of ice on Earth, according to the estimates. Most of it is located in Antarctica. During the...

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