Alien enthusiast Bruno Borges, 24, vanished from his home in Brazil while working on a secretive project. The student, left behind a locked room...
Strange “ALIEN” Noises Heard Over the Skies in Nottingham
Strange, unexplained noises were heard over the skies in Nottingham, UK.
The alien-like sounds shocked and disturbed the residents who recorded the unusual event....
Pint Glass Mysteriously EXPLODES in the Middle of the Pub
A pint glass mysteriously exploded seemingly on its own in the middle of a pub in Merseyside, UK. The strange incident surprised and shocked...
Restaurant Guests SPOOKED by “GHOST” Who Opened Candle Lantern Door
Restaurant guests were left spooked and scared when a candle lantern door opened apparently all by itself.
The spooky event happened in the same hotel...
STRANGE Video From the ISS – Astronaut Tries to HIDE UFO?
In a video filmed from the International Space Station (ISS), a strange unidentified object can be seen flying past the ISS with the Earth...
“GHOST” TERRIFIES Little Girl by Moving Objects
Spooky video shows a little girl left terrified after objects in the house seem to move by themselves.
At first the young girl is playing...
Huge Plasma-Powered UFO Caught on Camera
Huge UFO that seems to be powered by some sort of plasma propulsion engine can be seen in the clouds, arriving or leaving the...
Creepy Moment Objects Move by Themselves in English Pub
CCTV footage recorded in The Chapel House pub on Ruiton Street in Dudley, England appears to show objects being moved around by an unseen...
Ghost in Torquay Museum? Spooky Moment Leaflets Fly Off Bookshelves
A spooky moment was filmed at the Torquay Museum's shop in Devon, UK, when a pile of leaflets flew off a bookshelf - leaving...
The Disappearance of Lars Mittank
In July 2014, 28-year-old German Lars Mittank had a holiday with his friends at Golden Sands in Bulgaria – a popular destination for young...