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We are bringing all the enigmatic events closer to you. Read the most arcane mysteries that will leave you scratching your head. You can try to solve them too. UFOs, ghosts, conspiracy theories – you name it, we’ve got it!

ghost wheelchair

Strange Video from a Security Camera: Wheelchair Moved by a GHOST?

An interesting video was caught on security cameras at an Indian hospital. At the front entrance, everything seems in order until a wheelchair starts...

ISS Cameras Spotted a UFO?

NASA's cameras on the International Space Station recorded a strange incident in space. Scott Waring, who watched a live stream of the cameras  published a...

Who Killed Charles Francis Hall on the Arctic 170 Years Ago?

The story begins in the 19th century with the search for the fabled Northwest Passage, a sea route through the Arctic between the Atlantic...

Weird UFO Filmed over Mexico

This weirdly shaped UFO was filmed over Mexico. In the online discussions, some people were theorizing that it could be some kind of drone,...

Most Mysterious Cases