The Disappearance of Lars Mittank


In July 2014, 28-year-old German Lars Mittank had a holiday with his friends at Golden Sands in Bulgaria – a popular destination for young tourists. When partying on the beach, he gets into a fight. The conflict ends up with a brawl and Lars suffers a small injury in his ear. At the end of his trip, a doctor advises him not to fly and prescribes him antibiotics.

When the holiday is over, he decides to stay in Bulgaria for further treatment. He rents a hotel room in the poor part of the town and convinces his friends they can leave without him. Just a day later, he shows extremely erratic and bizarre behavior.

He spent a night at a hotel but got paranoid and scared. He panicked and texted his mom saying he didn’t feel safe, that she should cancel his credit card and that he was hiding from four men following him.

Later he went to the airport, but after a few moments, he ran away in panic. The episode was also caught on the surveillance video. After leaving the airport, people saw him climbing over a fence, then disappearing into a nearby forest. That was the last time he was ever seen.


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