Alien enthusiast Bruno Borges, 24, vanished from his home in Brazil while working on a secretive project. The student, left behind a locked room with walls covered with coded writing and signs associated with Satanism and the Illuminati.
Borges appears to have turned the room into a shrine to the extraterrestrial world, has removed all the furniture and put up a self-portrait of himself with an alien.
Among the writings were passages from the Bible and phrases from Leonardo da Vinci, which lay in among 14 handwritten books, which were also encrypted.
There was also a huge statue of philosopher Giordano Bruno looming over the room. Giordano Bruno was one of the first thinkers to predict the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Borges was last seen by his family on March 27, and his cell phone is turned off. The Criminal Investigation Department is investigating Borges’ disappearance.