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Check this Incredibly Secure Antique Safe with Multiple Keys and Switches

This antique safe was built in France, somewhere between 1780 - 1810. It is probably a lot safer and cooler than your own safe...

Unlock Doors With these Awesome Sword-Keys

There is a company out there which believes that keys don't have to be boring. So, they came up with this awesome idea to...

Meet Ebo the Smart Robot – Cat’s Best Friend when You...

Cats may look pretty independent, but they can easily get bored, depressed or develop separation anxiety, especially if you keep them indoors. Studies have...

The Best Smartwatches You Can Have

Smartwatches are sill not a standard equipment for the average person, but a time comes when they become as common as a smartphone. They still...

Take a look at every James Bond gadget EVER

The secret agent 007 is famous for many things and one of his trademarks through the years has been the usage of interesting gadgets....